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Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck Remembering Your birthday
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck Peace to your Family.
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck With love to Fran and her family
Jeannette Deck Rest in Peace
Jeannette Deck In Memory
Jeannette Deck God bless all who loved her.
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck RIP
Jeannette Deck Love you Mom Laura & Lisa
Jeannette Deck
Jeannette Deck In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jeannette Deck In Celebration<br>Of Your Life
Jeannette Deck
Place of birth: Paris, France
Religious affiliation: Protestant
Jeannette Julia Deck, 72 years of age, passed away peacefully on August 31, 2014.
Jeannette was a loving wife to Larry Deck and a caring mother to her two daughters, Laura and Lisa and granddaughter, Mikaela . She was passionate about her family and an avid animal lover with a green thumb.
Jeannette will be joining her mother and father while leaving behind her loving husband, two daughters and granddaughter who will forever have her in their hearts.
Being an avid animal lover, Jeannette was a strong supporter of the Houston Humane Society. If you are inclined, in lieu of flowers, a donation in her name would be greatly appreciated.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Katy Funeral Home
23350 Kingsland Blvd
Katy , TX 77494