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Candles Lit
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Celebration Of Your Life
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Celebration Of Your Life
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Celebration Of Your Life
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Celebration Of Your Life
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Celebration Of Your Life
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Celebration Of Your Life
Janora Lee Barton (Wright) In Memory Of Your Birthday
Dear Cousin Janora, May you be resting in peace and free from all pain and suffering.
Janora Lee Barton (Wright)
Janora Lee Barton (Wright)
Place of birth: None
Age 56, of Colorado Springs, CO, died Friday, April 6, 2018. Janora was born on March 23, 1962 and was the daughter of Carole and Douglas Wright. She was a graduate of Holt High School and attended Michigan State University. Surviving are her husband, Keith; son, Joshua; brother, Jeff (Barbara) Wright; 1/2 sister, Julie; sister in laws, Cindy Wright and Karen Barton; and several nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Janora was preceded in death by her parents and brother, John Wright, and was a longtime member of her church. Cremation has taken place and no memorial service has been planned.