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Candles Lit
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Ester In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Ester In Celebration<br>Of Your Life
Jane Ester
Jane Ester
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Jane was a beautiful woman with an amazing personality. No matter where she went she was able to light up the room and change your day for the better. For someone so full of life it is a tragedy that she had to die so young. Jane was a very intelligent woman, she had so much promise. She was studying to become a nurse because there was nothing she loved more than helping people. Jane was loved by everyone, without one enemy. It is a shame she never got to experience love, or truly experience life for that matter. My sister meant the world to me and she still does. She will never be forgotten.