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Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter In Celebration Of Your Life
Jami Porter In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jami Porter
Jami Porter
Place of birth: Billings, Montana
Religious affiliation: Christian
We lost our Jami on the eve of the New Year. She was many things to many people, sister to her siblings, a mother of three children whom she loved dearly, auntie, daughter, wife, lover and friend to many. She was funny, artistic, loving, independent, intelligent, witty and beautiful. She battled her demons with courage, lived her life “full on” and carried her broken heart into each day with hope for a better future. She loved those she claimed with passion, especially her children and her mother. She found solace in God an ultimately, she found peace.
In the midst of our loss, I can’t help feeling gratitude for her presence in my life. Many of us were privileged to know her as a baby, youngster, teen and the woman she became. All of our lives are richer because of our relationship with her. So, instead of thinking,
“I didn’t get to say good bye”, I choose to hold a place in my heart for remembering all the laughter, hugs, tears brushed aside and the sound of the joy in her voice when she was truly happy.
Jamie dear, I hope you knew how beautiful you were.
We love you, you will be truly missed everyday.
Until we meet again. Rest in peace.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Smiths Funeral Home
925 South 27th street
Billings , MT 59101