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James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Celebration Of Your Life
James Jarvis In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Jarvis In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
James Jarvis
James Jarvis
Place of birth: Chicago
James Jarvis as born on September 11, 1966 In Jacmel, Haiti Island to Albert Jarvis and Elizabeth (Green) Jarvis Who preceded Hin in Death.
James Moved to The united states in 1980 where he married LaMiche (Batu) Jarvis. James and Michelle gave birth to five wonderful children: Melva , Latonya, Christine, Jocelyn, Alexis James Worked for the Cook County Sherriff Dept. for 16 years. He also served in the Military for a brief moment . James enjoyed cooking and BBq’ng with his children. James was also a long time member of Tabor Lutheran Church of Christ. James loved Golf and as the member of the only Golf club of the south side of Chicago. Each day was task as he took on the streets of Chicago.
Jay leave to cherish his fond memories: Sister Clautte Roys, Brother JefferyJarvis, Sister: Tutto Jarvis. Childeren ; Melva, Latonya, Christine, Jocelyn and Alexis. Grandchildren: Dylan and Alana. And A host of family and friends.