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Candles Lit
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner In Celebration Of Your Life
James Hoopingarner
James Hoopingarner In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Hoopingarner
Place of birth: Terre Haute, IN
Religious affiliation: Protestant
Jim had lived in Mt Dora, FL for the last several years. He died on November 6, 2015, while doing some work for a friend. He had been in remission of cancer for the past couple of months but his heart had been affected. He served in the US Air Force from May 1966 to May 1969. He is survived by his fiance Holly Bolton of Mt Dora, FL, his sons, Darren (Lori) Hoopingarner and Mark Hoppingarner of California and four grandchildren, his brother Robert (Debra) Hoopingarner, brother, Vernon (Luan) Hojem, and sister, Patty Hammond reside in Terre Haute, IN, his brother, Jeffrey (Scottie) Hojem resides in Florida.
Jim was well known, liked and appreciated within his community, always giving a helping hand to friends and friends of friends. Jim and Holly attended Lake Saunders Baptist Church, 1405 Bay Rd., Mt Dora, Fl. 32757.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Hibiscus Estates, Community Building
1 Hibiscus Ave
Mt. Dora , FL 32757