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Loving you over half of my life has been such an immense gift. Saying goodbye has been harder than I could ever imagine. Your intuition and thoughtfulness shined through my darkest moments as a child, and you would always come to my aid, even when I didn’t know I needed it. Seeing you so weak breaks my heart, but you have served myself and my family more than you will ever comprehend, and deserve so much more than this world can provide.

Death is an awful but necessary part of life, and I am trying to process this in a time while also working to build upon my former self and create the person I want to be. In your passing, I promise to try and live, to see myself the way you must’ve seen me: a provider, a friend, somehow without the flaws or insecurities that hold me back from the things I am deserving of. You have left such an impact on my heart, where you will remain until I eventually pass. Wherever we go after that point, I look forward to seeing you there.

To my oldest friend,
I love you, Batman.

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