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Candles Lit
Hercules “Monster” Ely In Celebration Of Your Life
Hercules “Monster” Ely In Celebration Of Your Life
Hercules “Monster” Ely In Celebration Of Your Life
Hercules “Monster” Ely In Celebration Of Your Life
Hercules “Monster” Ely In Celebration Of Your Life
Hercules "Monster" Ely
Hercules “Monster” Ely
Place of birth: San Antonio, TX
Religious affiliation: None/Unknown
This is Hercules, he came into my life in 2006 and has given me the best love I can ever ask for.Hercules has had some great adventures during his life and I have been blessed to have him in my life. Hercules showed me how to love unconditionally…before I did not know what that meant and he showed me how to love from the heart.I had to say goodbye to him today because his poor body just gave out and I couldn’t keep him suffering like that. Hercules touched so many lives and everybody that met him knew he was a character which never knew what being full was. Herc was always ready for seconds, thirds and fourths!!He had a big appetite for everything but his appetite for life was truly remarkable!!Hercules has gone the rainbow bridge to be with his Pandora and Daisy.Time for your next big adventure my Boy…go run and be free my Herc!!I love always ❤️