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Candles Lit
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves Happy 90th Dad, Love U
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves Happy 90th Birthday Dad
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry “Hap” Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Henry “Hap” Graves In Celebration Of Your Life
Henry "Hap" Graves In Memory Of Your Birthday
Grandpa, we loved you.
"Hap" Graves
Henry Graves
I Love You Dad
Henry “Hap” Graves
Place of birth: Flint, Michigan
Henry Harold “Hap” Graves passed away in his sleep May 30, 2015. Hap led a full and happy life he wanted you all to know. Born in Flint, Michigan on January 21, 1930 to Henry Hugh and Lucy Jewel (Spence) Graves he is pre-deceased by his siblings Joe, Charles, June and Billie. Hap grew up in Flint and joined the merchant marine at the age of 16, thereafter returning to finish Northern Flint H.S. where he ran cross country and played football. He later served in the U.S. Navy. Hap saw most of the world during his travels. He married Esther (Eckel) Graves and is survived by their three children, Kane, Renda and Tammie, grandchildren Jeffrey and Kelly. Hap was remarried to Barbara Graves and resided with her in Tucson. He loved to swim, snorkel, read, do crossword puzzles, draw cartoons, play in the band and travel. Hap earned an Associates Degree and worked in journalism, the communications industry and was a pioneer in health foods before retiring to Tucson for over 20 years where he worked for the benefit of local Native American Tribes. Known to his friends there as Teyet Ramar “Whitefeather” or “T’ for short. Hap was a great guy and he will be sorrily missed and long remembered by all that knew him. Rest In Peace Hap Graves.