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George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale In Memory Of Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
George Truesdale In Celebration Of Your Life
George Truesdale
Place of birth: None
Jefferson S.C. — George C. Truesdale, 97, died Monday, November 10, 2014 at the Overlook Masonic Health Center in Jefferson, S.C following a brief illness.
He leaves his wife of 65 years Helen P. Truesdale; his daughter, Nealie B. Truesdale, his 12 grandchildren; and many close friends.
Born and raised in Jefferson S.C, the son of Carl and Barbara Truesdale , he was a lifelong resident of Jefferson S.C.
In his early years, Mr. Truesdale would help sell milk for the family’s friend business. After graduating from North High School in 1935, he attended Clark University, graduating in 1940 with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. He met his wife, Helen P. Bynum, at church and they were married in 1944 at Wesley United Methodist Church. In 1945, he joined the U.S. Coast Guard, where he was a Seaman, First Class.
After serving with the Coast Guard, Mr. Truesdale had the opportunity to join the Traveler’s Insurance Company in Worcester. In 1948, he started the John Ross Insurance Agency, a partner of Insurance Services of Worcester. He not only took pride in his business, but truly relished the friends he made during his time in business. Over the years, his insurance expertise and reputation led him to be named the top Life Insurance Agent for Traveler’s Insurance Co.
Mr. Truesdale had a passion for animals and was the head dog trainer for Shrewsbury Dog Training Club. For years, he would enroll his award winning German shepherds into dog shows, where he won numerous ribbons and awards.
An avid golfer, he was a longtime member of Worcester Country Club, the Worcester Club and the infamous Pinehurst Country Club in S.C. He served on the board of directors for Worcester Country Club and First United Methodist Church of Jefferson.
The legacy continues with us all……….
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
First United Methodist Church of Jefferson
1601 Peterson Street
Jefferson , SC 29718