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Candles Lit
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud In Celebration Of Your Life
Gene Tofsrud In Memory Of Your Birthday
Gene Tofsrud
Gene Tofsrud
Place of birth: Madison Wisconsin
In memory of our father Gene W. Tofsrud who was laid to rest today in Raymore, MO.
Gene W. Tofsrud, son of Odin A. Tofsrud and Ida (Knutson) Tofsrud was born on January 11, 1933 in Madison, Wisconsin.
Gene was preceded in death by his wife Freda L. Tofsrud , his parents, and sisters Nina Bjornsted and Francis Hull.
He is survived by former wive’s Beverly Manning, Kay Baumann, and Ruth Carr; 7 children, Deborah Puzino, Sandie Maurer, Jeff Baumann, Kristen Tofsrud, Doug Tofsrud Sr., Priscilla Johnson, and Daisy Brooks. He has 11 grandchildren; Russell Flanigan, Shaun Flanigan, Ashley Gulley, Douglas Tofrsrud Jr, Ashley Manroe, Carman Carter, Douglas Brooks, Alex Baumann, Michael Baumann, Lily Parker, and Kaleb Parker. He was blessed with 5 great grandchildren.
God has taken you into his loving arms and ended your pain. May you rest comfortably in his grace…….till’ we ALL meet again….you will be missed.