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James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Celebration Of Your Life
James Sugar Duke Williamson In Memory Of Your Birthday
James Sugar Duke Williamson
Place of birth: Barnwell, South Carolina
Religious affiliation: Other
James with a fifth grade education taught himself how to drive bulldozers and heavy equipment trucks. With this knowledge James began working with the railroads and Farmers Construction where he later retired. In his spare time he enjoyed hunting and fishing.
Funeral Notice Detail
Carolina. James had been stricken with Alzheimer\'s and Dementia which later led him to reside in Laurel Baye Nursing Home after spending last 5 years with his son Teddy and wife Sonya and their lovely children. He leaves to cherish his memories: Six (6) Daughters: Sylvia Williamson, Gloria Williamson, Terrie Rogers all of Columbia, South Carolina; May France\'s Chisolm of Orangeburg, Gale Ballard and Terrie Haile of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Two (2) sons: Teddy (Sonya) Rogers of Orangeburg, South Carolina and Timothy Brown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; One (1) sister, Mary Lee Williamson; Four (4) brothers: Frank,Earl,Jake,Martin Williamson; Sixteen (16) Grandchildren, Six (6) great grand children and a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.
A Memorial Service will be held at
Guinyard & SonsFuneral Chapel
756 Allen Street
Barnwell , SC 29853