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Candles Lit
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey In Celebration Of Your Life
Floy Rainey In Memory Of Your Birthday
Floy Rainey
Floy Rainey
Place of birth: None
MeMaw loved her family, especially her great grandchildren. She enjoyed spending time reading books and keeping up with the stock market. Every visit you could bet she would show up with coupons. It was one of her hobbies to cut coupons and give to the ones she loved. She had a very giving heart and would give the shirt off her back to anyone in need. She loved drinking her coffee and singing.