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Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin In Celebration Of Your Life
Elvis Leando Calvin In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elvis Leando Calvin
Elvis Leando Calvin
Place of birth: St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands
Elvis Calvin, known to those who knew him well as (Ben-Up), was born August 11, 1960 in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands. He resided in New York for many years until the day of his passing on January 4, 2017. He was a loving Son, Father, Brother, Uncle, Husband and Friend. He enjoyed life and never missed the opportunity to share it with his family and friends; touched the lives of many near and far. Elvis made a great impression on everyone he met and will always be remembered for his fun loving charismatic personality, laughter, beautiful brown eyes and bow legs, which he made sure it left a lasting effect.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Unity Funeral Home
2352 8th Avenue (Corner of 126th Street)
New York , NY 10027