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Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver Happy Birthday 6th!!! Feb. 6th 2017
Elizabeth Carver In Celebration Of Your Life
Elizabeth Carver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Elizabeth Carver
Elizabeth Carver
Place of birth: Henrico, VA
Religious affiliation: Christian
Elizabeth, well, I can’t say much about her. She died before living, making my mom’s triplets turn into twins. I knew she was there, until she wasn’t. I know it’s just a fact of life, but I want to remember the sister I never had. She would have been my best friend, and we would play together for hours. I love her, even though I was never able to see her. I can just think of what COULD have been.