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Candles Lit
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban In Celebration Of Your Life
Edward Toban
Edward Toban
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: Muslim
Edward “Ettoban” Toban died unexpectedly in on August 2nd 2017 at the age of 37.Edward is survived by his Family and dogs and son.. He did not graduate from High school. He never married, but was responsible for making someone a single mom. After moving to Warren street and Columbus where he sold hot dogs and it was the only thing he was good at, putting a tube of meat onto pre-shaped bread so it would not fall out.Over the years edward ate too many of these hot dogs and died. You could say he bit off more than he could chew. Edward was accomplished at putting round shaped into square holes and often outspoken about things they knew nothing about. He was a supporter of trump, but was also a minority, that goes to show which side of the trump wall he needed to be on. Individual who loved video games and who was passionate about harassing innocent people. He was an active and dedicated member of the Trump Rallies in 2016 and often volunteered as security for Hot dog stands at these rallies. A funeral is not scheduled at this time, as the deceased has yet to have anyone come forward and claim their remains.