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Candles Lit
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY Dad. Happy Birthday. Love & miss you forever Your Babygirl Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY Thanks for everything! Love & miss you forever! Your Babygirl Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY Another year down. Miss you & love you lots! Your Babygirl Sheryl
Duncan HARRY 6yrs ago today. Love you, miss you. Your Babygirl, S. <3
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY Merry Christmas Dad. Think of you all the time Love you! Your Babygirl S
Duncan HARRY 5yrs since that day. Miss & love you so much. Your Babygirl - S.
Duncan HARRY 5yrs since that day. Miss & love you so much. Your Babygirl - S.
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY Happy Birthday Dad. Love & miss you so much! Your Babygirl - S.
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY Thinking of you Dad. Love & miss you so much! Your Babygirl - S.
Duncan HARRY Love you Dad. See you in my dreams. Your Babygirl - S.
Duncan HARRY Over 5yrs since you went into hospital. Love you & miss you so much! - S.
Duncan HARRY 4yrs. Miss you so much Dad. Love you like crazy. Your Babygirl - S.
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY Dad. Happy Birthday. Love & miss you so much. Your Baby Girl - Sheryl
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY Thinking of you. Miss you Love you so, so much. Your Baby Girl - Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Happy Belated 51st Anniversary to You & Mom Love you Dad.
Duncan HARRY 4yrs since we brought you to ER. Really feeling it. Life is not the same.
Duncan HARRY Love you Dad. Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Dad. I love you so much. Your only girl Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Thinking of you Dad. Miss you all the time. Love your Babygirl Sheryl
Duncan HARRY 3yrs since. I miss you. I love you so much Dad. Your Babygirl, Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY Thought of you today. I love you Dad. So much. Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Miss you. Love you. Every minute of every day Your Babygirl Sheryl Ann
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY
Duncan HARRY Dad. Watching over Mom. Love you so much! Looking up for you - S.
Duncan HARRY Raising your headstone soon. Hope you love it. Honouring you. Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY Fathers Day. We should be taking this trip together Miss you & Love you - S.
Duncan HARRY I wish you were here or I was there or we were together anywhere -Sheryl
Duncan HARRY I love you Dad. You are my purpose. Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Christmas Eve. Miss you. Love you so much. Your Babygirl, Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY Dad. 2yrs. Miss you. Love you. Honouring you. Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY Happy Birthday Dad. Miss you so, so much! Your Baby Girl Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY Honouring you, Dad. Thanks for the help. Love your Baby Girl <3
Duncan HARRY I love you Dad. Your Baby Girl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY I love you Dad. Come sit with me. Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Today was in your honour. I love you Dad. Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Fathers Day 2017 I think of you every day. Love you so much Dad.
Duncan HARRY Every day. I think of you Every day. Love you Dad. Your Babygirl Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Duncan HARRY Thanks for looking after for Mom. Love you Dad! Your Babygirl <3
Duncan HARRY I love you! <3
Duncan HARRY Thanks Dad. I love you! <3 Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Thinking of you Dad. Love you - Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY Dad... The end of 2016. My heart aches. Miss you, Love you, <3 Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Merry Christmas Dad. Missing you. Love you. Your Babygirl, Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY Sending you Christmas Eve Love and Coffee Your Babygirl Sheryl <3
Duncan HARRY <3 <3 <3
Duncan HARRY In Celebration Of Your Life
Duncan HARRY Love you Dad. Sheryl
Duncan HARRY Remembering You. <3
Duncan HARRY Thinking of you Sending love <3
Duncan HARRY Happy Birthday in Heaven Love you forever Dad Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY In Memory Of Your Birthday
Duncan HARRY I love you Dad. Sheryl
Duncan HARRY First Father's Day Apart Miss You, Love You Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY
Duncan HARRY May 2/16. 5 month since. I miss you. I love you. Your Babygirl, Sheryl
Duncan HARRY I think about you all the time Love you forever. Your Babygirl Sheryl
For Duncan HARRY
Duncan HARRY
Place of birth: Pavilion, British Columbia (Ts'kway'laxw)
Religious affiliation: None/Unknown
Duncan G. HARRY
“Dirty Harry”
October 20, 1945 – December 2, 2015
From our first notification on Wednesday December 2, 2015:
Duncan passed away at 12:47 PM surrounded by his family at Laurel Place Hospice (Surrey BC). We held his hands and told him repeatedly how loved he is, how proud we are of him and how thankful we are to have him as a husband and father. We thanked him for working so hard and sacrificing so much for us. We told him not to worry about us. That we will be ok, that we will look after each other. That he will be ok and that family will look after him too. Puppy too, our puppy is there. And we told him we will bring him home, which is all he wanted and asked for all this time.
We know he is whole again. We know he is finally pain-free after 39 years. He deserves everything paradise has to offer.
Thank you so much to family and friends for the love and support.
Duncan was born on a field at 20 Mile in Ts’kway’laxw (Pavilion, BC) to Delia Harry and James Montgomery. He attended Pavilion School, St. Joseph’s Residential School in Williams Lake and Kamloops Indian Residential School.
Duncan met Eleanor Scotchman in August 1964. They married in Lillooet BC on July 6, 1968. They lived in New Westminster BC for 3 years before buying their home in Surrey BC in 1971. They had three children together: Darren James, Sheryl Ann and Duncan David. All three inherited Duncan’s musical talent. He couldn’t have been more pleased.
He worked early on as a surveyor with James (Jimmy) Scotchman (who introduced Duncan to daughter Eleanor), but spent most of his life as an Ironworker (Dominion Bridge Ironworkers Local 97), helping to build bridges and buildings all over BC and the Yukon. He was very well-liked as a foreman. He didn’t just tell workers what to do, he showed them how to do it and worked alongside them.
A few of the many projects Duncan has worked on:
– BC Place (the dome)
– Pacific Centre
– The Alex Fraser Bridge
– New Westminster Rail Bridge (Fraser River Swing Bridge)
On March 25, 1983, Duncan was on the cover of the Vancouver Sun newspaper. He was photographed working on the interior of the BC Place dome, approximately 61 meters above the playing field. Once the dome was complete, he and his coworkers were on top as the roof was inflated for the first time (opened June 1983).
Duncan also served successfully as President of the Pavilion Rodeo Club for 8 years (even though he lived in Surrey). He was tireless, hard-working, witty, funny, generous, sweet, thoughtful, well-liked and respected by all who knew and worked with him.
He is predeceased by his father James Montgomery, mother Delia Harry, stepfather Roland Kane, brother Jim Montgomery, sisters Mary Rose Dolman and Darlene Montgomery, nephews Scott Dolman and Wilfred Montgomery, Uncles David Harry, Tony Montgomery and Walter Montgomery and Aunt Susie, cousin Ronnie Coates and many more loved ones. He has a very large family.
Duncan is profoundly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife of 47 years, Eleanor, their children Darren, Sheryl and Duncan Jr. Also by his mother-in-law, Ceda Scotchman, grandchildren Stevie-Ray, Diona, Owen and Elyse, brother Gary, sisters Aggie, Louise, Celina and Hilda, nieces, nephews, cousins and many other family members and friends.
Services were held December 7, 2015 at the Spiritual Centre on T’it’q’it Reserve in Lillooet BC, burial at Ts’kway’laxw Cemetery in Pavilion BC.
Thank you to Dad’s Ironworker friends from Dominion Bridge Ironworkers Local 97 and beyond. You made his job enjoyable, meaningful and memorable. You are his brothers and best buddies. Even with dementia, he remembered all of your names and all of the stories, pranks and jokes without hesitation. It was so wonderful to reminisce with him about you, and to see the light in his eyes, the smile on his face and to hear him laugh. Thank you for that.
Thank you to Tino Viani and the staff of Big O Tires for decades of friendship with Dad. He never forgot you. Our sincere apologies for not calling you sooner. We thought we had more time. Thanks for always looking after our family as well.
Thank you to everyone who worked with Dad during his time with the Pavilion Rodeo Club. He would say he couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you to the caring nurses of Bayshore Home Health for doing their best and trying their hardest for Dad. Thank you to the many specialists and surgeons who tried their best and did what they could. Please know that we are grateful.
Thank you to Dr. Dang, Maria and Dr. Der for their care over the years. Thank you for continuing to look after our family.
Thank you to Surrey Memorial Hospital, including the Doctors, Nurses, Care Aides (Constants), Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Dietitians, Cooks & Kitchen Staff, Wound Care Nurses, Paramedics, Emergency Room Nurses/Doctors/Staff, Specialists, Surgeons, Lab technicians, Radiologists, MRI, Pharmacy, Housekeeping and the baristas at Starbucks and Second Cup. Dad was at SMH for 6 and a half months. This is a long time to be in hospital for someone with dementia, particularly for someone who attended residential school. We appreciate everyone who tirelessly assisted with kindness, compassion and care.
Thank you to Cathy Cook with Surrey Memorial Hospital for always staying in touch and adjusting to Dad’s dietary needs. Thank you for the notes and visits. It all means so much to us.
Enormous thanks to Cathy with The Hospitality Network, who visited Dad every day for the 6 and a half months he was at Surrey Memorial Hospital. You were his most regular visitor, other than Mom and I. We can’t thank you enough for taking the time out of your day to say hello to Dad and try to make him smile (which you usually did). You are an exceptionally wonderful and caring human being. Thanks for being there for Dad, and also for Mom and I.
Huge thanks to the caring staff of Laurel Place Hospice. The Nurses (who were so gentle with Dad), Dr. Brar, Social Worker (Liz), Ray for the prayers, songs and talks. The cooks and kitchen staff for stopping by with extra desserts. The kind and thoughtful volunteers for bringing coffee, tea, cookies and sandwiches, and for listening. Actually, everyone listened. Had I known it would be so peaceful we would have transferred Dad sooner.
Endless thanks to Kevin Carmichael and the amazing staff at Avalon Surrey Funeral Home for going above and beyond. Thank you so much for finding a coach at the last possible minute. Special thanks to Bill Morier for donating his time (from Surrey to Lillooet and back) and giving Dad a nice ride home. We are so grateful, that was a long day for you!
Thank you so much to the counselors, staff and volunteers of the Surrey Hospice Society for the continued care. Every community needs a hospice society. You are angels. www.surreyhospice.com.
Thank you to the drummers and everyone who prayed for Dad. This meant so much to the family.
Thank you to those who took the time to visit Dad at home, in hospital and in hospice. He truly looked forward to and enjoyed every visit. You may think he wouldn’t remember, but he did. And we did. Thank you to those who sent messages of encouragement, support and love and to those who continue to do so. This is greatly appreciated. <3
Sincere thanks and appreciation to Sid Scotchman for his time and effort on the poster and for speaking as Councillor at the wake and service. We would also like to acknowledge Dad's good friend Steven Thorne as an Honorary Pallbearer. Apologies for missing this in the memorial pamphlet. Thank you for years of friendship with Dad and the family.
From the Bridge River-Lillooet News:
The family of Duncan G. Harry wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to family, friends and community for sharing sympathy and support following his passing on December 2, 2015. Thank you to everyone who offered expressions of condolences through cards, calls, messages, flowers, food, monetary donations and visits. Your acts of kindness continue to be a great comfort to us in this time of extreme sorrow.
Huge thanks to family and friends for greeting Dad in Surrey and along the way as we brought him home to Lillooet. The procession was really very impressive. Thank you for the traditional welcome; it meant so much to us. Kind thanks to Deborah Dee Doss-Cody and Leonard Isaac of the Stl'atl'imx Tribal Police for talking the lead into town and back to Dad's second home at Ceda Scotchman's place.
We would like to pay special tribute to Carl Alexander, Darwyn John, Leonard Mitchell and Gerald Dick for their spiritual leadership, guidance, strength and wisdom. Thank you as well for the incredible welcome home and for a beautiful wake and service. We wanted this to be special, and it was. You are all absolute treasures.
Huge appreciation to Chief Francis Alec and Ts'kway'laxw First Nation and Chief Kevin Whitney and T'it'q'et First Nation for the tremendous amount of support and assistance.
Special thanks to Sophie Link & Xaxli'p Community bingo and Desiree Adrian and Helping Each Other bingo, Ts'kway'laxw bingo, The Rancheree Homemakers and the Black Hill bingo. Thank you to the volunteers, to those who donated and the many who attended.
Much love to those who cooked for family and friends throughout the wake and following the service. You are tireless, selfless and brilliant.
Appreciation to the fire watchers, grave diggers, marker carvers, Pallbearers and the Honorary Pallbearers. Thank you to Jeanette John for the very special beaded ribbons. Thank you to those who gathered juniper and cedar and those who delivered, cut and stacked wood. Thank you to Bob MacDonald and Robin Frank for the generous use of your vehicles.
Thank you to Walter Fenton for the exceptional eulogy, for driving Dad back to Ts'kway'laxw and for going out of your way to be there for Dad not only over the past seven months, but throughout your friendship.
Thank you to Chiefs Francis Alec, Mike Leech, Michelle Edwards, Darrell Bob and Councillor Ina Williams for your kind, inspirational and uplifting words at the service, Endless thanks to Holly Dan and Megan Thorne for the tremendous amount of time an effort contributed toward the memorial pamphlet, the wake and service. You two are amazing. We love you both.
Thank you to everyone who offered their time and assistance, and to those who continue to offer their love, hugs, prayers and condolences. Dad would love that you are here for us during this extremely difficult time.
With love,
Eleanor, Sheryl, Darren & Duncan D. Harry
In Memoriam
Bridge River Lillooet News (Nov. 30/16)
Duncan G. Harry
"Dirty Harry"
Oct. 20, 1945 – Dec. 2, 2015
He's in the sun, the wind, the rain,
he's in the air you breathe
with every breath you take.
He sings a song of hope and cheer,
there's no more pain, no more fear.
You'll see him in the clouds of above
hear him whisper words of love,
you'll be together before long,
until then listen for his song.
– – Christy Ann Martine
Love you forever… Eleanor, Sheryl, Darren & Duncan Jr.