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Candles Lit
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor
Dr. Don Taylor
Dr. Don Taylor In Celebration<br>Of Your Life
Dr. Don Taylor
Dr. Don Taylor
Place of birth: None
It has been 20 years since we lost our brother, son, father, uncle and friend. Dr. Don Taylor was a giant of a man, although he joked he needed a step stool to get in his truck. According to his 94 yr old adoring mom, “Donnie” was always a ‘good boy’ and made them proud. And he remained so his entire life-he was always ready to help anyone- whether as a physician, or as someone who would help you put old storm windows on a two story house, or who would pitch in and do whatever needed doing. When you visited him, he had a beer or a glass of wine in your hand before you had your boots off. He took home people for dinner without telling his life long love, Velda. He and Velda were a formidable team with a chain saw! Their marriage was a true partnership, and it was so hard to watch the pain she and Don’s children endured when he left us. He was so kind to his many patients- doing housecalls and more when no one else did. They lined up in droves, the “Chiclet Kids” and seniors in wheelchairs, in tears, at his wake. Young and old told us how he made a huge difference in their life. I remember thinking as we stood numb at the wake: you can get a new doctor. We can’t get a new brother, father, son, husband, uncle… Don made a significant positive difference in this world and we will always honour him and what he contributed to all of our lives.
Even after 20 years, we miss him and think about him always.