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Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Donald Ray Corigan Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Donald Ray Corigan Jr.
Donald Ray Corigan Jr.
Place of birth: Dallas, Texas
Donald “Donny” Ray Corigan Jr. of Lancaster, Texas was an outgoing man who loved spending his time with family and friends. He enjoyed the beach in Corpus Christi, fishing, bowling, playing billiards and was known to win in tournaments. He spent most of his life as a wood flooring carpenter until his health started to affect him. Even though faced with battling diabetes he still pressed forward and made the best of things. Always laughing, making jokes and usually with a smile on his face. The simplest gesture would make him so happy.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Uncle Bill Cook's residence
134 Butler Trail
Gun Barrel City , TX 75156