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Candles Lit
Derek Underwood
Derek Underwood 12/28/2008
Place of birth: St. Joseph Missouri
Derek was 18 years old when he passed away. He died in a car accident. His friend Zach passed as well. This happened on December 28th, 2008 in Council Bluffs, Ia. Derek didn’t know that he had a baby girl on the way before he died. His baby girl Sophia was born just two months after he passed. His daughter Sophia was on the MTV show Teen Mom. Her mother is Farrah Abraham. Her family is keeping our granddaughter from us for no reason at all. We are so very heart broken about this whole situation. Derek was a good kid. He had lots of friends. His family misses him so much. I have a feeling that we will be grieving for the rest of our lives. This December will be five years since his death, and yet it seems just like yesterday…
We Love And Miss You Derek! Forever in our hearts you will be!