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Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman In Celebration Of Your Life
Debra Kaufman In Memory Of Your Birthday
Debra Kaufman
Debra Kaufman
Place of birth: None
Debra Kaufman was one of the strongest woman alive she suffered a terrible life accident that left both her legs amputated long ago and still managed to raise 4 kids into adulthood not to mention she also raised all of there childhood friends also she made sure her kids were beyond set and happy for a lifetime Debra had a hears so pure and kind she always had her arms open for anyone that needed comforting and an open door for anyone to that needed a place to rest/eat she made sure to make the most out of her beautiful life here on earth Debra suffered from chronic copd and acute emphysema in the last few months before her death and it was. A very sad struggle for her and her kids to deal with but managed. Debra passed away January 11th 2016 and sacred heart hospital with all of her friends and family at her bedside they all reminisced on all the wonderful memories they encountered with Debra.. she will be terribly missed by everyone and all of her grandkids nevaeh jadelynn leland David jr Mykel and Bella … rip momma bear