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Candles Lit
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Memory Of Your Birthday
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Memory Of Your Birthday
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Memory Of Your Birthday
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Memory Of Your Birthday
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Memory Of Your Birthday
DeAnn Gonzales In Celebration Of Your Life
DeAnn Gonzales In Memory Of Your Birthday
DeaAnn Gonzales
DeAnn Gonzales
Place of birth: None
Deann Martinez Gonzales died from kidney failure. She was also half blind or more. She was homeless for a good 13 years. She became paralyzed in her last week of life. Couldn’t talk or move eyes. Dr’s never told us about this happening at the end. She also had a very bad heart and many other issues. She was my life. She was always giving and loved all people. Impossible to find any family. She didn’t have any contacts. She’s from Oklahoma.