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Candles Lit
Dakotah Craig 12/28/2012 Forever 16 Gone too Soon
Dakotah Christian Craig
Dakotah Christian Craig
Dakotah Christian Craig
Dakotah Craig 12/28/2012
Place of birth: Natchitoches, Louisiana
Dakotah was a happy baby. He rarely cried. He was slow to talk but when he finally did. Oh boy! Did he chatter away. He loved everyone , didn't know a stranger. He loved Wal-Mart, Lowe's and McDonald's. He always wanted to be a greeter at Wal-Mart or Lowe's. He liked school but later on he didn't care for some of his teachers. He loved being outdoors in his pool or riding his power wheels. He was crazy about any "toy" with wheels (cars and trucks) as he called them. He was sick alot when he was little. It tappered off for awhile. Then in the couple years leading up to his passing, he started having illnesses again. We may never really know the real reason behind his passing. Only the good Lord knows that. We all love and miss him but know he's no longer in any pain, nor is he sick. We love you, Dakotah. Until we meet again on God's golden shore. Momma