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Candles Lit
Connie Rocheleau In Memory Of Your Birthday
Connie Rocheleau In Celebration Of Your Life
Connie Rocheleau In Memory Of Your Birthday
Connie Rocheleau In Celebration Of Your Life
Connie Rocheleau In Memory Of Your Birthday
Connie Rocheleau In Celebration Of Your Life
Connie Rocheleau
Connie Rocheleau
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: Christian
Connie Lynn Rocheleau died September 6, 2021. She was 52. She is dearly missed by family, friends, and the man who loved her. She is survived by her father, son, grandson, sister and niece. Connie’s mother predeceased her, in 2000. Connie graduated in 1986 and was not married.