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Candles Lit
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller In Celebration Of Your Life
Charles Miller
Charles Miller
Charles Miller May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.
Charles Miller
Place of birth: None
My uncle, Charles (Charlie) Miller, lived in the NYC region most of his life. He enjoyed his youthful summers with his brothers (the oldest, my father) on the Great South Bay on Long Island, and fell in love with the water. This led him to the Navy for a time, and ultimately a plane mechanic (how cool!). His first wife passed at a very young age, which I believe broke his huge loving heart. He married again – the wedding I remember vividly as i got to wear a beautiful dress – but only for a short time. Uncle Charlie got himself a house on Lake Hopatcong which I loved to go visit despite the steep and neverending steps, and the fact that the house needed an upgrade severely. But a young teenager could care less when the lake was always accessible, and Uncle Charlie was always up for a drive on his boat. At some point 20+ years ago, Uncle Charlie was inspired to move to Tucson, AZ (“Its a DRY heat,” he would always say). The distance was enough, and a young adult too busy, to keep us from staying in touch. He remarried to wonderful woman, Mary, a few years ago, and I’m happy he was able to share his love with someone in his final days. My uncle, Charlie Miller, passed away last night after a long battle with cancer. I light this candle for you, Uncle Charlie, to remember you, the wonderful life you led, and the memories you leave that we all will cherish.