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Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Charles Loveland In Memory Of Your Birthday
Matthew Loveland I will Always Love You Dad
Charles Loveland
Place of birth: Wayland, NY
Born: January 17, 1940
to Harley J Loveland and Florence B. (Weber) Loveland
Siblings: John W. Loveland, Marlyce A. (Loveland) Wright
Married: Roberta Jean Lewis, August 8, 1970
Children: Harley J Loveland II, Arthur G. Loveland and Matthew B. Loveland
1957 Wayland Central School, Wayland, NY
1957-1961 Michigan State University, Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Political Science/Pre-Law
1961-1964 Cornell University School of Law, LLB Degree (replaced by a Doctor of Law degree on October 16, 1969)
April 1965 Admitted to practice law before the Courts of the State of New York
1964 to 1971 – BRANDT AND LAUGHLIN, Attorneys at Law, Fredonia, NY
Law Clerk then associate. Maintained a branch office in Brocton, NY
May 1966 to present – TOWN OF PORTLAND, Chautauqua County, NY
Justice of the Peace (until 1972), then Town Attorney
1971 to present – PRIVATE PRACTICE in Brocton, NY
Just SOME of his specialties included: Municipal Law, Real Property, mortgage transactions, Bankruptcies, Estates, Misdemeanor criminal cases, and collections…
1972 to 1974 – CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY District Attorney’s Office
He was the first full time Assistant District Attorney in Chautauqua County. He operated a federally funded felony screening program, presented cases to Grand Jury, and prosecuted some felonies and all misdemeanors in the 23 of the 27 towns in the County. Furthermore, he participated in the preparation of a known murder case and acted as a sounding board for the DA on issues of presentation and strategy. During that period of time, he wrote a criminal trial guide for Town Justices, which was the new title given to the former Justice of the Peace, and lectured at the Town Justice sessions at the annual training sessions for the Association of Towns of the State of New York.
1981 – LODESTRO & BAILEY, Attorneys at Law, Jamestown, NY
November 1987 to June 1999 – CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY
Assistant Public Defender
Bar Association of Northern Chautauqua, Inc., Past President and Secretary
New York State Bar Association
American Bar Association
Brocton Portland Development Corp., Secretary
Lake Shore Lodge #851 F & AM, Twice Past Master
Dunkirk Irondequoit Lodge #301 F & AM, Twice Past Master
Active Member of Tri Church Parish
Active Member of Penn Yan United Methodist Church
Brocton Volunteer Fire Police 1967 – present
AND IF THAT wasn’t enough:
He was chairman of the committee that proposed and pushed for the location of Lakeview Correctional Facility in the Town of Portland/Brocton. Many would say he was the main force in obtaining a successful result in this project.
He also convinced International Filler Corporation to donate the Mundane Building to the Brocton/Portland Development Corp, to be used as a business incubator. It was eventually sold, and the funds were used to develop Haywood Heights Housing Development, a joint project with the Brocton/Portland Development Corp., the Town of Portland, the Village of Brocton, and the County of Chautauqua.
Funeral Notice Detail
Anyone who knew him was aware of at least one of his many involvements in the legal, political, religious and so many other realms. His resume would take many pages.
But anyone who truly KNEW him, felt his love for family, food, sailing, being right (or just the obstinacy to not give in), football, laughter… he had a zeal for life. Even the angels above can now hear him boom out “MAROON”!
A Memorial Service, in lieu of a Funeral, will be held Saturday 2/28 at 11am at St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church, Brocton, NY. A second service will be held July 25th at the Penn Yan United Methodist Church.
A Memorial Service will be held at
St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church
12 Central Avenue
Brocton , NY 14716