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Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas In Celebration Of Your Life
Carmen Lamas In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Carmen Lamas
Carmen Lamas
Place of birth: Banes Cuba
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Strong Woman loving wife and mother . Proud to be Cuban and be part of the Batista family. She loved her family and life . Her strength kept the family together through the adversity which was presented by history. Was a role model for all of her sons to never give up no matter what challenges life may bring. Her memory will always keep her alive in our hearts.Also a role model to her grandchildren. Her class and humility ruled her life True Royalty
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Caballero Rivero Woodlawn South
11655 SW 117TH AVE
Miami , FL 33186