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Candles Lit
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett In Celebration Of Your Life
Buddy Ray Bennett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Buddy Ray Bennett
Buddy Ray Bennett
Place of birth: Guilford County
Religious affiliation: Christian
GREENSBORO,NC Buddy Ray Bennett known as Bud, was born June 14, 1959 and passed away Thursday March 16 due to complications from the flu. Buddy was a loving son, brother, friend, and cousin, especially 4 little cousins, Frankie, Christina, Matthew and Little Nurse Nina. He was preceded in death by his brother Benny Lee Bennett .Survivors include his father Bobby Odell Bennett, two sisters Bobbie Queen and Bonnie Zouaghi,brother in law Kirby Queen, cousin Joey Glasgow. A service to celebrate his life will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, March 20,2017 at Bethel Baptist Church, 2230 Lees Chapel Rd.