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Candles Lit
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison In Celebration Of Your Life
Brenda Tennison In Memory Of Your Birthday
Brenda Tennison
Brenda Tennison
Place of birth: None
Today is a very emotional day for me I lost someone very special to me and also very distant from me I lost my mom the woman who gave me life I will always hold a special spot in my heart for my mom she may not have been there for me growing up but I know deep down in her heart she loves her 3 kids and did what was best for her 3 kids I know every day she tried her best to change God knew the real Brenda we saw the cover of Brenda but God saw what was deep down inside Brenda and what he saw was a woman who deeply wanted to be loved and wanted to be accepted but her kids mom your three kids love you so much I know we didn’t tell you everyday but we did we love you so very much we will always love you you will always be in our heart you are always be our mom I know you’re up in heaven looking down on us watching over us and your grandkids I have a special angel now I have my mom watching over me I love you I miss you I wish your last hours was with me Melinda Fredo Da Don Rodriguez we love you Mom we will never forget you and never stop loving you….