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Candles Lit
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams In Celebration Of Your Life
Bessie Williams In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bessie Williams
Bessie Williams
Place of birth: Georgetown, South Carolina
Religious affiliation: Other
Sister Bessie Williams was born to the late Jack and Elizabeth Williams in Georgetown, South Carolina on November 8, 1939. She was one of thirteen brothers and sisters. She attended Howard High School and was a member of The Mount Olive A.M.E Church. In the early sixties, she moved to New York City, where she raised four children, Zenobia, who preceded her in death, Darryl, Linzola and Kevin. She worked various jobs and was a Home Attendant until Illness forced her to retire.
Sister Bessie was a member of Missionary Baptist Church of Love for over 20 years where she served as the Pastor Aide President and President of the Transportation Committee, where through her hard work and dedication, the church was able to purchase a van for the church. She worked diligently for the church where she coordinated fashion shows,drives and donations.
Sister Bessie was a loving and nurturing mother. Education was very important to Bessie and she always pushed her children to be the best that they can be, which they passed on to their children.Her home was always welcomingi to family and friends for extended stays or short visits. The world has lost a beautiful, intelligent and loving soul and heaven has gained a magnificent angel.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
R.G. Ortiz Funeral Home
2121 Westchester ave
Bronx , NY 10462