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Candles Lit
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace In Memory Of Your Birthday
Benjamin Wallace In Celebration Of Your Life
Benjamin Wallace
Benjamin Wallace
Place of birth: None
Ben Wallace was a great person. He had his flaws but he did what he could with them. He left behind a mother, two sisters, two daughters a fiancé ad tons of other family and friends who loved him very much. Ben loved to have fun and just wanted to live life. I hope he is somewhere where he can finally be at peace with himself. We love you ben and always will.