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Candles Lit
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Celebration Of Your Life
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson Joseph Miller
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson
Audiyir Isis Zahar Johafferson
Place of birth: Piarco
Religious affiliation: Other
Audiyir was born on a military naval base just east of Tobago on July 18, 1955. In 1965, he moved to America after his father officially retired from the Trinidadian Militia. Audiyir attended preparatory school. After completing necessary requirements, at the age of 17, he enlisted into the United States Marines. Shortly after he married his girlfriend of 5 months, Valentina. He truly fought for his country and believed in nothing more than freedom for all. He became associated with many organizations, including Make-A-wish, Homeless Vets of America and started his own, A youth’s choice. For many in Lynchburg Virginia, where he resided the last 15 years, know that this organization took many kids off the street, and helped them veer from the vicious gang activities. He believed that every child had a choice, there was no such thing as statistics. That if a parent or a role model led the way for a child, that they would succeed and be a purpose to all. This organization made way for another, Abigail’s House. Abigail’s house was founded by Audiyir to take at risk child and adult sex trafficked victims off the street. It provided a home, trauma therapy, and stability for those who knew of no such things. Today the City of Lynchburg will mourn who will all called “Saint Lynchburg”. May we all look up at the stars tonight, and know that one of our very own is shining bright upon us. May we all continue to serve others, as he always did. And Last Semper Fidelis!!!!
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Light House Community Center
1310 Church Street
Lynchburg , VA 24504