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Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Celebration Of Your Life
Angelica Sofia Figueroa In Memory Of Your Birthday
Angelica Sofia Figueroa
Angelica Sofia Figueroa
Place of birth: San Juan Puerto Rico
Religious affiliation: Other
Nació una estrella en mi cielo
Llena de amor y de destellos
Es tu alma niña mía
La reina del firmamento
Eres tan dulce y tan hermosa
Llena de tanta vida
Que te ama todo el mundo
Hasta yo, que no te conocía
Tu corazón se paró
Era Dios que te llamó
Cubriéndote con su manto
Y en su pecho te acobijo
Miramos el cielo
Y veomos tu estrella
Cada vez que la
veomos nos acuerdo de ti Angelicita
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Hospital Auxilio Mutuo- La Capilla
Avenida Ponce DeLeon
San Juan Puerto Rico , NY 10001