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Candles Lit
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Celebration Of Your Life
Adrian Rust In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adrian Rust In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Adrian Rust
Adrian Rust
Place of birth: None
Today, we are celebrating the life of Adrian Emmanuel Rust. Adrian was the beloved son of Robert and Laverne Rust. He gave more than a decade of his life to the U.S. Navy serving from 1969 until 1980. Adrian was a hard worker at General Electric where his work ethic and positive attitude was enjoyed by everyone. He retired in 2003 and spent the remainder of his time enjoying what he loved most which was spending time with his grandchildren Joseph, Drew, Katie, and Patrick, fishing, and attending Red’s games. We are here to celebrate the time Adrian spent on this earth with us.