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Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas In Celebration Of Your Life
Addie Silas In Memory Of Your Birthday
Addie Silas
Addie Silas
Place of birth: Mississippi
Religious affiliation: Other
Addie Silas born in Mississippi, was ahard working woman who dedicated her life to raising her three children Charles Mull, James Silas Jr.,and Don Silas. Daughter of Addie B. Silas, and survived by her siblings Johnny, Arie, Eddie, Isabella, Lauryn, Richard, Mary and Sylvester. Addie was a joyful and loving woman whom always knew how to make you laugh. She definitely knew how to get a smile out of you. Addie has eight grandchildren and spent her time helping to care for her grandchildren Don, Vivian and Serena Silas. She was loved by so many and has made her final journey to be with the Lord.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
O'Fallon Park Recreation Complex
4343 W Florissant Ave, St. Louis, MO
St. Louis , MO 63115