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Candles Lit
Robert Brechler In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Brechler In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Brechler In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Brechler In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Brechler In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Brechler In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Brechler In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Brechler In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Brechler
Robert Brechler
Place of birth: None
This amazing young man came into my life when I was in dcf custody many might not know but he was full of love always there when I needed him athe most he was taken to soon and when I was depressed or being stupid he was one of the ones right there to straighten me up. I just wish I could of seen him one last time yes I’m one of his exs but in the end we became best friends he gave me a nickname that I still go by today the nickname crazy angel has never died since he gave it to me
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
601 east college street
Bainbridge , GA 39819