Pets Count Too!
Pet Memorial – HealGrief offers individuals and families a place to celebrate their beloved pet. Create a pet memorial and celebrate the love and life of your pet.
It is often said, “Dog is man’s best friend.” Yet it is not only a dog that we humans consider to be our loyal and most trusted companion. Globally, pets have become as much a member of a family unit as human beings. Pets become “children,” and lives revolve around the care and love of these devoted family members.
For the elderly and those who have chosen not to have a human family, a pet is their “child.” It is often their only companion. Their pet is their joy, and when humans are not present, it is their pet that they communicate with. Their life revolves around the care and love devoted to their pet.
And then for children. The death of a pet is often a child’s first experience with death and the grief surrounding it. HealGrief wants to capture these children and their families and guide them through their child’s first introduction to death and grief. We want to provide them with the tools and resources to aid in healthy grief recovery. By capturing these children early, we can offer the life-long tools to cope. We can provide them with an understanding that grief is a natural response to life’s most inevitable cycle, death.
When one’s heart is ready to love again, rescue shelters are in the business of healing broken animals’ hearts after they have been abandoned and alone. Visit your local shelter for more information about adopting a pet whose heart has been broken, too.