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The death of a child is a heart-wrenching experience that no parent should ever have to face. It’s a pain that can feel all-consuming and overwhelming, leaving parents feeling lost and alone in their grief.


When a parent buries a child, the experience can be overwhelming and isolating. It’s common to feel like life will never be the same again—because it won’t be. Parents may miss the simple things like hearing their child’s laughter or receiving a goodnight kiss. They may feel like a part of themselves has been lost and struggle to find meaning in their day-to-day activities, living in a world that has moved on while they remain stuck in their personal tragedy. The constant ache of their child’s absence can be excruciating, from the empty nursery to the absence of laughter and playfulness in their home. No one can truly understand the depth of a parent’s grief, and it’s crucial to acknowledge and validate their feelings.


Life may seem like it’s lost some of its color, and finding joy can seem impossible. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and allow space for them. But with time, parents can learn to live with the pain and honor their child’s memory in a way that feels authentic to them. Amid this unimaginable pain, there is hope. There are ways to navigate the grief journey and find solace in the storm.


One of the most important things for parents who have buried a child is to seek support. Finding a safe space to process emotions, whether through therapy, support groups, or confiding in trusted loved ones, can all be incredibly cathartic and helpful. Hence, parents feel less isolated in their grief.


It’s also crucial to allow yourself to grieve. There’s no right or wrong way to do this; each person’s journey will differ. Some may find comfort in rituals like creating a memorial or keeping a memory box, while others may find solace in activities like exercise or art therapy. We should embrace whatever helps to process emotions and find moments of peace.


Most importantly, parents who have buried a child should be gentle with themselves. Healing is not linear; there will be good and bad days. The pain may never entirely disappear but can become more manageable over time. Remember that it’s okay to take time to grieve and honor the memory of your child.


Ways to Cope with Parental Grief:


Confront Feelings of Guilt: The should of, would of, and could of. Guilt— it’s a common feeling after the death of a child. Confront and acknowledge these feelings. Forgive yourself for what you did not know—you did your best.


Accept Happiness: One of the challenges after losing a child is accepting pleasure or joy. However, even momentarily, allowing yourself to experience happiness is crucial for survival. It’s okay to smile or laugh amid your tears.


Take Small Steps: Break down the future into manageable increments—focus on the next hour or day. Focus on simple tasks like daily routines. This approach can make grief more bearable.


Remember the Positive: Focus on the positive moments and memories with your child. Consider creating a journal or photo album to celebrate their life. Doing so can be comforting, although the timing may vary for each person.


Communicate Your Needs: Many people want to help but need to learn how. Take the initiative to communicate your needs to friends and family. Feel free to ask for assistance with daily tasks or to ask someone to listen. Keep in mind that only you know exactly what you need.


Ultimately, the grief journey is unique to each person who experiences it. By seeking support, allowing ourselves to grieve, and being gentle with ourselves, we can find hope amid the pain and eventually find a path forward.


We believe there is no need to grieve alone, so we created the AMF App. Join us today by registering for the app here. If you know someone bereaved and needing support, consider inviting them to join the Actively Moving Forward (AMF) app today.

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