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Candles Lit
Your Pets Home: Illinois
Pet type: Dog
Dexter was a Black Labrador Retriever with a very gentle, loving, forgiving, selfless and patient demeanor. He loved meeting people and going places, especially on his daily walks around the neighborhood. He always crossed to walk on his favorite side of the street. He also liked to roam around the yard checking out every corner. He had a naturally beautiful shiny black coat and often received complements. He was very intelligent, very easy to teach, and always knew where I was, what I was doing, and what mood I was in. When I was in a negative mood or angry he would come over, lay his head on my knee, look up at me with concern, and wag his tale. Than he would climb in my lap to comfort me, even though he weighed 63 lbs. I felt great comfort from being physically close to him whether sitting with him pressed against my lap and chest or laying against each other in bed at night. He had very expressive brown eyes and it was easy to tell what he was thinking. We had a very deep bond and even though he couldn’t talk we always had an intimate understanding of each other. It’s not fair that dogs don’t live longer because I would have given up anything to share his love for the rest of my life. We had 15 1/2 wonderful years together. I love remembering all the things we did, things that happened to us, and places we went together. But, it also saddens me because it reminds me that he is gone. I miss my dear friend so very, very much.