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Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Celebration Of Your Life
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Celebration Of Your Life
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Celebration Of Your Life
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Celebration Of Your Life
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson
Lance Dwayne "Crow" Crowson
Lance Dwayne “Crow” Crowson
Place of birth: Hobbs, New Mexico
Religious affiliation: Christian
Lance was born in New Mexico, but was raised mostly overseas in Nigeria and later Singapore. They moved back to the states permanently when he was a teenager. He has worked in many career fields; welder, machine repairman, overhead door installer, safety supervisor, and as a CTE instructor for Calhoun County Schools. He was an avid reader, enjoyed working with his hands and building things, and until a deer committed suicide by jumping in front of his motorcycle, he was an enthusiastic biker with a deep and bizarre sense of humor.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
N/A , TX 76028