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Candles Lit
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley For a beautiful, sensitive soul.
Caitlyn Bradley ~Angel
Caitlyn Bradley Thinking of you and your family. XOXO
Caitlyn Bradley May you be at peace in the stars. My love to your family.
Caitlyn Bradley In Celebration Of Your Life
Caitlyn Bradley
Caitlyn Bradley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Caitlyn Bradley
Place of birth: Luverne, Alabama
Caitlyn was full of life. She went at everything “head on” and lived her 20 short years with enthusiasm and spunk. She faced hardships in those years that she shouldn’t have had to, but she continued to smile and to charge ahead and never give up. Her resilience and strength are a constant reminder for those who are left here to mourn the loss of her light.
“She was never crazy, she just didn’t let her heart settle in a cage. She was born wild.. and sometimes we need people like her. For it’s the horrors in her heart which cause the flames in ours. And she was always willing to burn for everything she has ever loved.” ~R.M Drake
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world. We miss you now and always. Never forgotten – always kept inside our hearts.
Mom, Jeff, Ciera and Megan