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Candles Lit
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern
Andrew Stern I will always Love You!
Andrew Stern
Place of birth: Ohio
Dear Friends,
Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and support in keeping Andrew’s memory alive. Andrew was a wonderful human being with such a big heart who did so much to contribute and help others. He was always a person who went out of his way to be a mentor and leader to those closest to him. Andrew had a smile and laugh that radiated and that will always be etched in my memory. The time spent with Andrew has given me such a perspective on life that it is so precious and fragile and should be cherished every moment of every day. Life is a gift from God! Andrew was such a loving soul, especially with his dog Butch and all of our rescued animals who will miss trips to the dog park, long hikes in the mountains and playing ball on beach. Andrew was trying to do what ever he could to make his life better despite his own personal challenges. I will never forget my love, best friend and someone who I shared some of the most important things in life with. I know Andrew is in a place where he is healed and in peace. May God bless his soul and everyone he has touched throughout the 40 years we were blessed to have him on this earth with us.
“God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for your tears and light for the way.”
The last message I sent to him was “What ever God brings you to, He will bring you through.”
I will always love you, your memory will live on and you will never be forgotten.
God Bless your soul. May you fly amongst the Angels in Heaven!