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Candles Lit
Romeo Polinga In Celebration Of Your Life
Romeo Polinga In Memory Of Your Birthday
Romeo Polinga In Celebration Of Your Life
Romeo Polinga In Memory Of Your Birthday
Romeo Polinga In Celebration Of Your Life
Romeo Polinga In Memory Of Your Birthday
Romeo Polinga In Celebration Of Your Life
Romeo Polinga In Memory Of Your Birthday
Romeo Polinga
Romeo Polinga
Place of birth: Bohol, Philippines
Religious affiliation: Catholic
This is to celebrate the life of our beloved Romeo Polinga (Papa Romy to me and my cousins). He’s the head of our clan, a man of wisdom, a father to everyone. He was always reliable, loving and smiling. He will be missed by many for sure. We pray for his soul to be in peace as he rejoins our creator. Heaven has indeed gained another angel.