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Candles Lit
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mona Richardson In Celebration Of Your Life
Mona Richardson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mommy, Love thee. Always Have. Always WIll.
Mona Richardson
Mona Richardson
Place of birth: Trinidad, West Indies
Religious affiliation: Christian
To our Mom, Grandma, Aunt, and Friend:
On the afternoon of January 14th, 2016, you left this realm and entered into the Heavenly embrace of eternal life. Your daughters Asha Ellis (husband Willie), Sayeeda Richardson, Reshma Richardson, and Reena Richardson; two grandchildren, Jala and David; and sister Chandra; nieces and nephews who she regarded as bonus-children; friends and extended family all still miss you terribly. Your absence in our lives has left an unfillable void. Your spirituality, charitable heart, sense of humor, love of music and culture, generosity, willingness to learn and, most importantly, teach have left an indelible mark on all who had the blessing of knowing you.
The value of the lessons you taught us in life have increased exponentially, and have become vivid and clear. What we never understood, or couldn’t understand, is now defined. Thank you.
Our bereavement hasn’t lessened over the course of this first year and I (Asha) suspect that it never will. However, as we grapple for mechanisms with which to cope, we continue to live our lives in ways that shine a positive light on your life and memory. Your legacy lives on. You always were and always be a beacon of love and safety in the turbulent sea that is this life. We love you.