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Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael White In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael White
Michael White
Place of birth: Norwich New York
Michael White is survived by his Partner Gail Beers, his daughter Jennifer Lovelace, brothers Paul and David, and his father George. Michael’s mother died two days after him. Michael was an Heavy Equipment Operator but became ill and was no longer working. His passions were riding his Harley Motorcycle and playing billiards. Although Michael engaged in many different events and activities riding was what he loved. At 6ft tall and built Michael could seem intimidating to some, but he was quite the opposite. He was a very passionate man. He was my teddy bear; my everything. Michael also played professional baseball for Florida’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Michael has many friends that love and care for him very much. RIP memorial date to come soon.