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Susan Mah

Susan Mah

In this episode, Susan Mah helps us explore The Loss Project, what it means to her, and how art can be an excellent outlet for grief and healing.

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Susan has a master’s degree in clinical social work and a master’s in fine art photography. In addition to working full-time as a psychotherapist in Northern CA, Susan is the creator of the Loss Project. Started in 2014, the Loss Project is merging of psychology and photography, an artistic exploration of the human condition, presented in a series of environmental portraits with the theme of loss. The imagery may include loss due to breakups; divorce; death; abandonment; neglect; separation from people, places, things, or ideas.

In 2016, the Loss Project found its proper home at HealGrief where Susan’s Loss Project portraits related to death, along with subjects’ stories of their grief, are exhibited in a worldwide online gallery. As an expansion of the project, there is an open invitation to the public to share their own loss imagery by submitting photograph about something or somewhere that is reminiscent of the death. In so doing, the Loss Project becomes a form of art therapy, free of charge, wherein anyone in the world can share their grief experience and let others know they are not alone in their healing.

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