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Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
Cynthia Wesley In Memory Of Your Birthday
Cynthia Wesley In Celebration Of Your Life
For Cynthia Wesley
Cynthia Wesley
Place of birth: Birmingham, Alabama
Religious affiliation: None/Unknown
On Sunday, September 15, 1963, Ku Klutz Klan members bombed the Church and the result of this bombing killed a daughter, a friend, a sister known by the name Cynthia. Cynthia Wesley was only 14 years young. The young girl had been dressed in her Sunday best, ready to sing and act as ushers at the adult service, and only a few minutes before the explosion she had been in the basement with a few friends in the women restroom,discussing the new school year that would began the next day. But little did she know she would be gaining her wings that day. Her younger sister Addie Mae Collins\’ younger sister, Sarah, had been with her and the 3 other friends when the bomb exploded, but survived the attack as did the other 22 children in the basement.She attended the 16th Street Baptist Church with her adoptive parents. She has been survived in death by with her adoptive parents Claude and Gertrude Wesley. Cynthia was a very free spirited child who didn\’t have a clue that on this Sunday morning at 10:22 exactly a bomb would be set off and would end her young life. In addition to Cynthia\’s death her 2 friends where also killed the went by the names 11-year-old Denise McNair, and 14-year-old Carole Robertson. Well now all we can say is fly high baby girl and we love you and we will keep your name alive.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Barry Funeral Home services
608 E Warrington Avenue
Pittsburgh , PA 15210