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Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan In Celebration Of Your Life
Bill James William McGowan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bill James William McGowan
Place of birth: Pittsburgh
Religious affiliation: Catholic
James William (Bill) McGowan finally found his well-earned rest on August 28, 2014, and passed quietly at Central Care home in Victoria, BC.
Originally from Pittsburgh (b.1931), he graduated from Physics at St. Francis Xavier University, completed his Masters degree in Physics at Carnegie-Mellon and finally completed his Doctorate at Laval University. Bill and Judy Kennedy were married before he completed his Masters degree, and they remained together for 25 years.
Bill published many research papers, taught Physics and chaired the Department of Physics at UWO, chaired many committees, sat on numerous boards, was the Director of National Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa, and did many things about which we’ll never know. He travelled the world, lived in many countries, and told many colourful stories. Among other things he was known for his reckless fashion sense: Peruvian shirt, Russian fur hat, orange tie and lederhosen not only showed the diversity of his experience, but his daring. His favourite hobbies were travelling, socializing, acting, and feeding – Bill was best known for his eating exploits. He approached life like a buffet, taking in as much and as varied as possible: a slurry of oysters, waffles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, horse radish and roast beef could only be made better by a few bottles of the hottest sauces possible. Regardless, the world is a better place for his having been here.
Bill is survived by his brother Kyran, his six children Maura (Blake Nill), Liam, Laurie (Shannon Lloyd), Colin (Diana Wong), John (Maria Josey), and Michelle (Michael Gunn), his grandchildren Quinn, Darrah, Taylor, Mairi, Kyran, Bryce, Lauren, Aidan, Kylie, great grand-daughter, Rowan.