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Candles Lit
Sol Goff
Sol Goff
Your Pets Home: Abingdon VA
Pet type: Cat
Sol Passed away Jan 5th,2020. I had Sol Since He was 6months old. I had just moved out on my own & decided pretty quickly I wanted an animal. I was scrolling through Facebook, and saw him on the animal shelter website. I knew, as soon as I seem him.. Sol was who I was looking for. I always wanted a solid black cat. I went to meet the lady, and she Asked How serious I was about him.. I told her I absolutely wanted him. 2 people before me had came to see him and chose to not take him.. I cant thank those people enough for not choosing him, call me selfish. Sol was a Devil Kitten, and I thought we would never get past those moments. If only I knew then, I wouldn’t have as long with him as I thought i would.. Sol Became more than just my pet, over time he went through a lot with me, my first apartment, moving 1,000 miles away from home, horrible relationships, moving back 1,000 miles, and to a new house. He was My therapy cat, if I started to panic he would lay on me until I calmed down. He loved going outside, and when I had bad days/ weeks ( i struggle with severe depression & Anxiety) He wouldn’t go outside again until he knew I was feeling better. He knows all my secrets, Hes caught more tears from me than anyone else has. He always had to share my pillow, I really miss waking up at 4am trying to fight for my own pillow back. He use to carry stuff off and hide it. And he would just about beg you to death for spray cheese.. He was always here for me, when I thought I had no one.. he was always there. And that’s why its so hard grieving over this. I didnt just lose a pet, I lost my other half.. the part of me that gave me reasons to live through my depression.. There will never be a day that goes by I wont think of him or something wont remind me of him. Thank you for the Years of endless humor, and unconditional love you Gave me. Sol, you will forever Hold a Very Huge part of my heart. I just wish I had more time with you. Bye for now my Halloween Cat ♡ Thank you for showing me what real unconditional love Is like. ♡ Nothing can ever take your Place Sweet boy ♡